Title:The Return of Superman
Overview:Panelists: So Yoo-jin; Kim Jun-ho; Jasson; Moon Hee-joon; Honey J // Families Shown: Kim Jun-Ho; Honey J // Guest stars: Kang Ye-Seul; Jung Da-Kyung; Hong Ji-Yoon; Monika; Lip J // Special Appearances: Kim Jung-hwan; Shim Jae-bok; Jo Won-woo; Kim Jun-hyeon; Jang Jung-min; Kim Tae-hoon; Kang Hyun-suk; Lee Jun-yi; Heo Min-ho; EEVE (HolyBang); TARO (HolyBang)
How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long!