Title:Come Home Love
Genre:Comedy, Drama, Family
Overview:JIU-JO serves CHERRY attentively and he tries to please her in every way. SUK-HAN is not pleased and SIU-WAN suspects that SUK-HAN has fallen in love with JIU-JO. JIU-JO tells SUK-HAN that she has good luck and he asks her to buy Mark Six. SUK-HAN learns that JIU-JO has won Mark Six and she asks him to share the money but JIU-JO rejects her. JIU-JO is stopped by the security guard while carrying some goods to the elevator and JIU-JO tries to tell the security guards that he is representing SUK-HAN. SUK-HAN suddenly arrives and says that JIU-JO is fired already. LUI TUNG discovers SUK-HAN crying seriously in the toilet and SUK-HAN reveals her secret to her. MA YAU learns that JIU-JO is threatening SUK-HAN and she finds the case unusual. She expresses that she will try to find out the reason behind. MA YAU plays trick to find out the truth……
How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long!